Friday, April 27, 2012

Stress, Trash, and Cookie Crumbs

Here on a Friday night, and there is stress. Something is very wrong with this picture. It’s tough, and the road is only going to get tougher. On the midst of all of this, what can I not resist?!
Starbucks Java Chip Frappuccino
I don’t know about you, but I can hear that espresso machine working and that blender sound ringing in my ear. You’ll never guess who gets the last gulp. My trashcan does. It will swallow the discarded cup of my sweet, delicious Grande Java Chip Frappuccino.  Yes, Starbucks is in the air. Mmm mmm mmm. I can just imagine the succulent taste of flavored syrup, chocolate chunks, espresso, milk, and ice all blended together. That is really all it is, but in short it’s a Frappuccino. 
Fresh Cookie Dough Going
Into The Oven
That’s not the only evidence that lingers in my garbage can. The sweet smell of baking is in the air. A good old-fashion, homemade chocolate chip cookie is the best way to put a smile on someone’s face. And if you’re me (or have read in my previous post), baking helps release that stress. Don’t ask me why. That is just how the cookie crumbles.
Fresh, Homemade Cookies Straight From The Oven

Sliced Oranges
Don’t worry, there is more. There are more lingering smells that combine in my poor black trashcan. What is it? It is the poor remains of my orange’s skin. Why yes, I did say my orange’s skin. All the juice and insides were devoured by my festering munchy craving that has come from this stress.

And last but not least, the final cherry on the cold, calorie filled ice cream sundae. You guessed it. It’s ice cream. I snuggle up in bed to a big, 1.72 liter of Chocolate Panda Paws ice cream. After a few bites (I should say chomps), I unfortunately have to get up and put it back into the freezer so the rest of it doesn’t melt. Ta-ta for now my yummy Chocolate Panda Paws ice cream. Until we meet again my Panda Paws or let’s call that Saturday Night. 

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